Template tags

Django Tailwind introduces a couple of template tags for your convenience.

{% tailwind_css %} tag


The {% tailwind_css %} tag generates a stylesheet link for the 'theme' app and that’s all you need to include Tailwind’s CSS on a page:

{% load tailwind_tags %}
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <title>Django Tailwind</title>
    {% tailwind_css %}

Asset versioning

The tag also supports asset versioning via the v= parameter, like this:

{% tailwind_css v='1' %}

Depending on your production setup, you may or may not need this functionality, so it’s optional.

Hot reloading

This tag also includes the browser-sync script that reloads a page whenever the template changes. This script is only included on the page when two conditions are met:

  • The debug mode is enabled in settings.py: DEBUG=True;

  • Your IP address matches INTERNAL_IPS defined in settings.py. For local development, it usually should contain to work properly:

    INTERNAL_IPS = ['']

{% tailwind_preload_css %} tag

The tag generates a preload directive for your stylesheet, which improves loading performance in production. Place it above the {% tailwind_css %} tag:

{% load tailwind_tags %}
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <title>Django Tailwind</title>
    {% tailwind_preload_css %}
    {% tailwind_css %}

It also supports asset versioning (if needed):

{% tailwind_preload_css v='1' %}