
Step-by-step instructions

  1. Install the django-tailwind package via pip:

    python -m pip install django-tailwind

    Alternatively, you can install the latest development version via:

    python -m pip install git+
  2. Add 'tailwind' to INSTALLED_APPS in

      # other Django apps
  3. Create a Tailwind CSS compatible Django app, I like to call it theme:

    python tailwind init

    During the initialization step, you’ll be asked to choose between Just in time (jit) and Ahead of time (aot) modes. While the jit mode is new and somewhat experimental in Tailwind CSS, I suggest choosing it for the best development experience. You can change the mode later with a simple configuration update. Check the jit vs aot section for more information.

  4. Add your newly created 'theme' app to INSTALLED_APPS in

      # other Django apps
  5. Register the generated 'theme' app by adding the following line to file:

    TAILWIND_APP_NAME = 'theme'
  6. Make sure that the INTERNAL_IPS list is present in the file and contains the ip address:

  7. Install Tailwind CSS dependencies, by running the following command:

    python tailwind install
  8. The Django Tailwind comes with a simple base.html template located at your_tailwind_app_name/templates/base.html. You can always extend or delete it if you already have a layout.

  9. If you are not using the base.html template that comes with Django Tailwind, add {% tailwind_css %} to the base.html template:

    {% load tailwind_tags %}
       {% tailwind_css %}

    The {% tailwind_css %} tag loads appropriate stylesheets and, when you’re in DEBUG mode, connects to the browser-sync service that enables hot reloading of assets and pages.

  10. Ok, now you should be able to use Tailwind CSS classes in HTML. Start the development server by running the following command in your terminal:

    python tailwind start

Check out the Usage section for information about the production mode.

Optional configurations

Purge rules configuration

Depending on your project structure, you might need to configure the purge rules in tailwind.config.js. This file is in the static_src folder of the theme app created by python tailwind init {APP_NAME}.

For example, your theme/static_src/tailwind.config.js file might look like this:

module.exports = {
  purge: [
    // Templates within theme app (e.g. base.html)
    // Templates in other apps
    // Ignore files in node_modules 
    // Include JavaScript files that might contain Tailwind CSS classes      
    // Include Python files that might contain Tailwind CSS classes

Note that you may need to adjust those paths to suit your specific project layout. It is crucial to make sure that all HTML files (or files containing HTML content, such as .vue or .jsx files) are covered by the purge rule.

For more information about setting purge, check out the “Controlling File Size” page of the Tailwind CSS docs: - particularly the “Removing Unused CSS” section, although the entire page is a useful reference.

Under the Ahead of time (aot) mode, PurgeCSS only runs when you use the python tailwind build management command (creates a production CSS build).

If you run Tailwind CSS in the Just in time (jit) mode, you will get an optimized build even in development mode, and it happens at lightning speed.

See the JIT vs AOT section for more information about Tailwind CSS compilation modes.

Configuration of the path to the npm executable

Tailwind CSS requires Node.js to be installed on your machine. Node.js is a JavaScript runtime that allows you to run JavaScript code outside the browser. Most (if not all) of the current frontend tools depend on Node.js.

If you don’t have Node.js installed on your machine, please follow installation instructions from the official Node.js page.

Sometimes (especially on Windows), the Python executable cannot find the npm binary installed on your system. In this case, you need to set the path to the npm executable in file manually (Linux/Mac):

NPM_BIN_PATH = '/usr/local/bin/npm'

On Windows it might look like this:

NPM_BIN_PATH = r"C:\Program Files\nodejs\npm.cmd"

Please note that the path to the npm executable may be different on your system. To get the npm path on your system, try running the command which npm in your terminal.