Updating Tailwind CSS and its dependencies

When a new release of Tailwind CSS comes out, you can update your theme project without updating Django Tailwind.

Checking if there are updates for Tailwind CSS and its dependencies

Before doing an update, you can check if there are any updates. Run the following command:

python manage.py tailwind check-updates

This command runs the npm outdated command behind the scenes in the context of your theme/static_src directory.

If there are updates, you’ll see a table of dependencies with the latest compatible versions. If there are no updates, this command will return no output.

Updating Tailwind CSS and its dependencies

If you want to use the latest version of Tailwind CSS, run the following command:

python manage.py tailwind update

This command runs the npm update command behind the scenes in the context of your theme/static_src directory.

If there are updates, you’ll see a log of updated dependencies. If there are no updates, this command will return no output.